Product RecSys


Using the customer orders and rating data from Olist E-Commerce Public Dataset, which has information about 100k orders made at multiple marketplaces in Brazil from 2016 to 2018, I trained 3 models that generate product recommendations.

NOTE - The granularity of orders in the dataset is at the product category level, thus recommendations are product categories in the true sense.

Demo 2

NOTE: The web app is deployed on a free server which goes into sleep mode and takes about 10s for boot up, once loaded the bot will work as expected.


The website is divided into 3 sections. product-recsys

The website is divided into 3 sections.

Demographic Filtering - Recommends highest rated products in the dataset.

Method - Uses IMDB weighted average formula and recommends highest rated products.

2. Similar Products

Item based collaborative filtering - Takes user input of one product and recommends 5 similar products.

Method - Computes cosine similarity between selected product and others based on historical ratings given by customers using KNN Basic algorithm.

3. Products you might like

User based collaborative filtering - Takes user input & rating of one product and recommends 3 products based on the rating given for the selected product.

Method - Approximates the user’s taste by running two algorithms in the backend, first computes the most similar user who has sufficient historical data, and second, makes recommendations based on their taste.

Abhijit Pai

246 Words